I’m thrilled to discover this marvelous project you’ve undertaken and so grateful you’ve chosen to share it. My paternal grandfather, who was born in 1879 and died in 1974 was a diarist too — his papers ended up with my aunt but I think our family has a copy (it was several volumes). I need to make sure. I have journaled a lot over the years, although not faithfully. And I’ve always been too worried about someone seeing it to be as honest as your mother was.

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It is quite a treasure to be in possession of her diaries and I don't think she missed more than a few days in 12 years. She died in 1991 and we did not discover the treasure until 2008 when my father passed. I often wonder how she would feel about making her life such an open book. I actually think she would be happy something is being done with all the effort she afforded her letters and journals. I was dubbed the family historian after all.

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As family historian, you have a duty to mine the resources for what they can teach us about life, love, and the past. I’m sure she’d be pleased.

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I love these letters and diary entries! Especially the diaries...they read like every young woman's diary. 🥰 We all loved a boy that much.

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Feedback appreciated Kristi....Will keep this in mind going forward. Lord knows I have volumes of diary entries.

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